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Immerse yourself in the fascinating tradition of faith
one of the oldest Christian churches in the world, the Armenian Apostolic Church.
On this page you will find first orientation and help for your daily life of faith, as well as current news, information about upcoming services and events. We are also looking forward to meeting you in a personal way!


Sozialprojekt in Hovk

Mai 2nd, 2021|Diözese, Referat Diakonie|

Die Diözese der Armenischen Kirche in Deutschland startet die Planung des Sozialprojekts "Bildung braucht Räume" in Hovk. Das idyllische Dorf in der Provinz [...]

On our new Youtube channel you will get personal insights into the Armenian Church in Germany, its divine services and important events.

Sie sehen gerade einen Platzhalterinhalt von Standard. Um auf den eigentlichen Inhalt zuzugreifen, klicken Sie auf den Button unten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dabei Daten an Drittanbieter weitergegeben werden.

Weitere Informationen


To recognize wisdom and breeding, to understand wise words.

Faith in everyday life

Here you will find important impulses for everyday life. They are looking for a suitable prayer, the readings for a particular day, or want to find out about the church holidays or other topics of faith. Here you will certainly find what you are looking for.

Are you planning to baptize your children or would you like to be baptized yourself? Do you have questions as a godfather or are you looking for information about baptism? Here you get first information.


Are you preparing your wedding party and want to prepare yourself properly for the church wedding ceremony? Here we have compiled helpful information for you and your groomsmen.


Who is responsible for the burial? Do I have to turn to the church burial? How do I deal with grief? Answers to these and other questions can be found here.


Stay informed!

With the newsletter of the Armenian Church in Germany, we would like to keep you up to date. All news, current events, possible short-term changes, interesting backgrounds and hints about new projects- all this is available on the subscription as well as the forecast of the next activities of the diocese.

The newsletter is published once a month. Please use the registration contact form. The subscription can of course be terminated at any time. Of course, we guarantee the security of your data according to the Data Protection Act and will not pass it on to third parties.

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